Sunday, May 13, 2012

A tinge of homesickness...

Hank, I know it is weird to miss
my cat right? but I do...
 I had my first really problems with homesickness. I have had a few panges before now, but nothing that different than I what I would get not seeing my familly for a while, when I was still in the States. Basically nothing that couldn't be fixed with a phone call.

Mom and Liam, how can you not
just love that face!?!
I am, well I guess I should say was, used to playing with my nieces and nephew  quite often. Right before I left I saw them pretty much every day. Since they moved to Boise I don't think I have ever gone over a month without seeing them. And a month is an outside estimate. When I first arrived in Germany things were new, and so I didn't notice how much I missed them.

Alex, catching at a baseball
game. It's tough not being there
to support her. 
Madi and Liam, on one of our walks
Then one day about 2 weeks or so in, I saw a little boy on the train that reminded me of my nephew so much I had to concentrate on not crying. The little boy hopped up on a seat a couple rows in front, and facing me. His ball cap was crooked on his little blonde head and a giant grin across his face. He kicked his feet as the train drove down the track, taking in everything around him, and then he stared asking quesitons. I thought as I watched him that is exactly how Liam would behave.

Of course as soon as I got home I sent off an email asking when I could Skype with the little munchkin and this sisters. I usually Skype with them, or at least with the oldest about once a week,. This way I still feel a part of their lives with actually being there.

There have been other times when I have had a bit of homesickness. Usually there isn't a reason. I just want a big kiss from the littlest, the best bear hug in the world from the one in the middle, and to tickle the eldest until she is literally in tears! Those days are tough but I hadn't had a day like yesterday yet.

Congrats Kiev! Love you tons <3
The last picture I have of my Grammie.
At my sister's wedding
Saturday my big brother, the only brother I have, graduated from Boise State. I really wanted to be there to help him celebrate and all of my other friends as well. My brother had a big party and everyone was there, including my sister, who I haven't seen in about 3 years. I felt a little left out, not only because I wasn't there, but because if I had been there I would have walked across the stage with my brother.

Brother's family. They are just
so adorable ;)
I will graduate this summer instead, and the trip here has been totally worth it, but in the winter when the summer graduates get to participate in commencement I will be teaching in Austria. I didn't think that missing my graduation was going to be that big of a deal until I saw everyone's pictures and their ecstatic faces at being able to say: "I did it and this funny hat and gown and piece of paper says so!" Right now I feel like I am not going to be celebrating this great accomplishment in my life. It will be as if graduation didn't even happen. I will go straight from school here to teaching. No trip back home to see the family, I wont even get my diploma until I get back to the states next summer.  So ya, it was a tough weekend.
Oh the "cousins" from a few years ago
but still one of my favorite pictures of us.
What we do when Megan, Nici and I
are all together. 

Lunch at Sizzler's after one of Johnna's
visits to Boise in the summer. 
I am super happy that I have so many pictures of my family here with me. They help a whole awful lot. Oh and Skype is a godsend. There have been many days where I want to tell my Mom or Megan something and I stare at my computer screen waiting for them to show up on line, and then I pounce to tell them something! For me it feels as if a wait forever for them to wake up, most of the time.

I love my family so much and miss them terribly, but I know they are rooting for me and even though I am missing out on some things right now, they are thinking of me and I am thinking of them.

I love this Kid! Liam helping clean up after his Dad's haircut

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