Wednesday, February 1, 2012

What a day

Today was nice and busy. I spent the day in the car with two toddlers and a 12 year old. On my way to my Dad's I was able to spend some time with my nieces and nephew taking them to a family friend's house for the week. Next Wednesday I will get to take them back home as well. I am really grateful for the time I was and will be able to spend with them. One of the hardest things about leaving is moving so far away from them. We had some fun guessing what we were going to see on the road. We would say, "I want to see a green semi." The first person to see the named thing (a green semi or whatever) gets to pick the next thing we will look for.  Lots of laughter and a few tears, but traveling with children without tears would be too good to be true.

I had my going away party on Saturday, and I have a good amount of footage. I am excited to start working on editing it and getting another video up finally.  Hopefully that will be coming in the next day or two.

Super short post today, but I wanted to get something up, letting you know that a video is coming. Oh two weeks from today, exactly and I will be on German soil :D Ya, you could say that I am excited. LOL, understatement!

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