Wednesday, January 25, 2012


The other day I was on my way home from my mom's house and I realized that I forgot to include my resume in my application packet for the Fulbright. :( I am totally bummed. I probably wont get the scholarship. I am however going to write them a  letter basically asking them to make and exception your me. I am going to send them the resume too of course. I just couldn't stand it if I didn't get the scholarship because I was an idiot. So I will do what I can. I think that it is a very slim chance they will give the scholarship because not all the information before the deadline. Perhaps this just means that something even better is going to happen for me this fall. Just have to be optimistic and hopeful!

Yesterday Chris was telling me about a conversation he had with Jan (pronounced yawn) about carpooling. In German the word is Fahrgemeinschaft, which literally means driving community.  Way to go Germans and their literal language. I wonder if Amelia Bedelia is based off a German. Nerd research topic! Anyways, Jan said it was a funny word, and it is, I just hadn't thought about how funny it is in a long time. When I was little I used to think that carpooling was a pool inside a car. I thought that would be so awesome! And I so wanted to go carpooling. I mean how cool would it be to swim in a car turned a pool?

I was thinking about that memory this morning and realized there were a lot of  road signs I misunderstood as a child. I remember one time I saw a park and ride sign. And I asked my Dad if we could go. What kid or adult for that matter, doesn't want to go to a park that also has rides?!? He told me that I didn't want to go there. I was so upset that we couldn't go, and I couldn't understand why we couldn't go. It wasn't until years later that I realized a park and ride is parking lot. I am glad my Dad didn't just say sure and watch the utter disappointment wash over my face as I saw what a park and ride really was.

Thinking about the randomness of language of the road. There were many signs that I didn't understand, but I never asked about. It is rather ridiculous I didn't ask or try to figure things out for such a long time. Another sign I had a hard time with was Do Not Pass. There was a sign just outside of town on the highway like this, and I could never understand why first of all there was a sign that said you can't pass, but everyone passed the sign and secondly that there was road where you weren't supposed to drive! Even the school bus passed it. I finally understood the sign meant do not pass other cars and not do not pass the sign. You would think they would make that a little clearer right?

So yes I am a dork, but what can I say. Rest assured I know the meanings of all the road signs now, at least in English :)

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