Monday, January 2, 2012

Sorry about the delay

So I said that I would be posting my Christmas vlog soon, what over a week ago... Well I have been trying to get it up, but it kept getting rejected by youtube. I finally figured out that was because it was apparently too long, so I have broken it up into 2 parts. So now we have two vlogs from Christmas and hopefully later today I will get the one up from New Year's Eve.

Things have been really busy around here. Today I spend the day getting rid of everything I don't think I will miss when I get back from Germany. A lot of things I have had for a long time, like my porcelain dolls, but I know they will be in better hands. I have realized that I have a lot of stuff! The worst part about it all was, because I have been quite poor before, everything I put in the DI pile or in the trash because it was broken was: "But the batteries are still good...There is some good yardage there... You could make___ out of that" Hopefully when others see it at the store they will think the same things, and actually be able to use it. I guess it is lots better than me squirreling it away for 6 months where no one will be able to use it. I got one car load dropped off today, and one more closet to go through maybe I will have another carload to take over.

Other than getting ready to move and de-junking not much has been going on here. Megan did get a new apartment, and she is going to be able to store/ furnish her place with my furniture, so that is a big relief. I hope everyone had a great new years.


  1. The second video is blocked because of WGM content. What in the world are you videoing?????

  2. Warner Music Group and others actively review YouTube and request videos containing copyrighted material be muted or blocked; including background and covers. YouTube also has a automated Content ID system that may block videos. There is a bit of excitement about it on the tubes ... a search for 'wmg' returns > 300K hits, some of them very upset.

    Given the video title I suspect there was a holiday CD (or radio, etc.) on in the background during the Christmas light hunt. The video can be unblocked by disputing the claim of infringement but, depending on the audio content (whole songs?) claiming fair-use may not apply. It is almost surprising that the first video didn't get blocked as well. The music and karaoke must have just slipped under WMG's fair-use 'filter'.

    You may need to over-dub some narration and/or other music. See
    for some Creative Commons, Attribution-Noncommercial-ShareAlike (Free) music.

    Here are some informational links:
    YouTube Help Forum:
    Center for Social Media:
    How to video: (for automated blocking)

  3. The video is fixed now. I wasn't thinking about the WGM when I made the video. Words are easier I just have to put a citation and I would be good. Anyhoo I have the new video up. The background now is a section from A Christmas Carol. This one is in the public domain so we are good! :)
