Saturday, January 7, 2012

A New Year

This year is full of changes. Usually January means a time of change, a time to begin a new, to make resolutions. For me I have begun moving to a new apartment, well Megan’s new apartment, and preparing to go to Germany. I have been thinking about what life has brought me this past year, and what I hope the next year will bring.  I seem to be having difficulties finding words, so I will use pictures instead.

The winter carnival with Iris in McCall. 

Iris’s birthday party: What great tennis buddies...

Two of my bestest friends got married. 
One in May (Whitney and Brad) and the other just a few weeks ago in December (Megan and Parker).

Volunteering at the Sawtooth Relay in SunValley. Well not in this picture exactly, this was just while running around the city before my shift. 

Touring the Botanical Gardens and the Idaho State Penitentiary

Lunch with the ladies of my Mom’s family, only missing my aunt Debbie

Walking through the MK Nature Center and

spending time with my nephew and nieces. (I am missing a picture of Alex *sad face*)

Nights out on the town. Yummy fondue, Megan's first pot :)

Hanging with my very best Friend/ sister cousin (Not literally, long story)

Camping with the family and rock climbing :)
 (Dad, Misty, Abby and Georgia, and 
my step-aunt Caroline and her family)

Photo scavenger hunts (Yippie for strangers taking your picture in the elevator).
German club parties

MIAMI  (in November!) and the NCPTW (National Conference of Peer Tutoring and Writing)

And Elephants on Parade

 it has really been a great year.

I am working on getting video footage to put up another vlog. It is hard to get all of the different shoots that I want unless I was to always have the camera on.
 I wish I could take my memories out of my head to put in the video; something like a pensieve from Harry Potter. 
That way you could see some of the things I miss because I don’t have the camera on.
 For example, yesterday while we were moving, Chris managed to tangle himself in the rope we used to tie things down in the truck.
 It was a moment I wish I had my camera on, but it was at the other apartment, and I wouldn’t have gotten the shot anyways. I have too much of a need to help in the work.
 I guess you could say that my parents raised me to well.
 When you see something that needs doing, get to work and do it, and never let anyone do work for you, you could do yourself.
 So anytime that I could have gotten some footage of our day I was lifting boxes.

I don’t know if this is how it should be or not, but I am having a hard time making posts because I feel like I need to write something witty and thought provoking, something that lives up to the expectations of an aspiring writer and English major. However this is creating more of a writing block than helping me. The same thing goes with my videos. I want them to be entertaining, but I don’t know if my life is entertaining enough to share with the world.  I have almost come to the realization that it doesn’t matter how thought provoking or entertaining my post are, if I post something will come out that I hope will be worth reading.

 I can’t wait to see what is in store for me next year. I know that it will be fun of adventures.
 I am really glad that I have this blog to help me chronicle my year, and share it with you. 
I think once the adventures start I won’t have the same problems with finding things to write about.
 I know that adventures are what I make of them, and waiting around for adventures to happen only means I will never see the adventures that happen all the time around me.
 I will continue to strive to see the adventures of my life, but I also know that being in Germany will help me see adventures I don’t normally have. 
There will be things I need to adjust to and I will be able to at least talk about those things.
 Once I get settled into the routine of life there I might find another slump.
 If that happens I ask that you all tell me what you want to hear, and it will help me get through the block.
 Even now if you want to hear something specific, just let me know and I will expound on it for you :) In other words comment ;p

As always thanks for reading. 
Oh and don't forget to follow me please.

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