Saturday, March 10, 2012

Back to the real world...

My vacation is over. I am finally starting school again. It has been 3 months, and I am excited to have a schedule to help keep me productive again. And oh what a schedule it is going to be.

 I have four classes: Leseverstehen, Hörverstehen, Grammatik, and Mündliche Kommunikation. In English that is: Reading, Listening, Grammar, and Conversation respectively. I have Leseverstehn three times a week, Grammatik and Hörverstehen twice, and Kommunikation once. I have classes Monday through Friday, and despite being a little disappointed about having classes on Friday that isn't so bad. It is the times I have classes that is difficult. I start at 11.45 on Monday, have a two hour and fifteen minute break before my next class which doesn't  end until 17.45! That means I wont be home until about 7. On Tuesday I start at 10.45 only have an 45 minute break, which will be perfect for lunch, and I will finish up at 15.30. On Wednesday I only have one class, and it doesn't even start until 15.30 and doesn't end until 17.45. Thursday is about the same from 14.00 to 16.15. Friday is the best day schedule wise, starting at 8.15 and ending at 11.30. Even though I will have to go to class on Friday, I will still be able to do some traveling on the weekends. We will just have to wait until around noon to leave.  Classes start on Monday, and so we will see how things go.

Chris and I are not in the same class so we wont be able to help each other with what has happened in class. He has a much better schedule than I do, and I must say that I am a little jealous. His classes run from about 8 to 1130 Monday through Thursday. I do so much better in morning classes than I do in the afternoons. I have finally admitted to myself that I really am a morning person. I don't however have any control whatsoever over my schedules so fretting about it isn't going to do me any good, and I will just have to get used to it I guess.

I didn't do a well on the test as I thought I was going to so I am sure I am going to have to do some actual, honest to goodness studying. I have never really studied before, that is more than just doing my homework and skimming through my notes before the test. Perhaps I will be able to study in the mornings when I am at home still and alert. Then I would still be able to have my evenings free. That is going to be a good lesson in both studying and self discipline!

I am getting used to traveling back and forth on the tram and buses. I will be going to campus alone most of the time, so that is a good thing. I am also getting used to the time it takes-- just about an hour. I am trying to figure out ways to stay productive during this time, like today I drafted this blog post. I know that I can always read, and that might be what I end up doing.

Tomorrow I am going to attempt to go to church for the first time since I have been here. I have figured out the bus route, I think and the times. I will leave the house about 9.30 and I will return about 14.30. All for an hour of church. But it will be worth it. I for sure wont be complaining when I get back to the states about getting up on time to go to church only 5 minutes away. Tomorrow will also be the first time I will be taking the tram and buses by myself. I am afraid I might end up lost, but hopefully not. Only tomorrow will tell :)

1 comment:

  1. You will do awesome!!! I am so proud of you!!! I miss you!!!
