Would a rose by any other name still smell as sweet? I am not sure, but what I do know is: I have never thought so much about my name than I have this past week. I like my name and always have. I've never wanted to be called anything else, except for that one time in the third grade, but that had nothing to do with not liking my name.
I was the only Heather in my class, but there was a Hillary. My teacher kept getting our names confused so I told her she could start calling me my my middle name-- Marie. She tried later that same day, but I wouldn't answer, so we quickly went back to Heather and Hillary and confusion.
I've never really even had a nickname that has stuck. In high school my friends would write notes to Pyro, but they hardly called me that in person. Although occasionally I still get an I M or email addressed to Pyro, I am still Heather. I remember thinking at one point in time I wish I had a good nickname, but no one has ever found one that sticks.
There was the few years I went by a different name while I worked at Fantastic Sams, but that wasn't really a nickname. When I was hired at the salon there was another Heather already working there. The owner decided it would be too difficult and confusing for the clients to have two Heather's. The other Heather's clients would have to start asking for Heather S, and my incoming clients would have to ask for Heather D. She had lots of faith in the intelligence and loyalty of our clients. At any rate my name got shortened to D. Talk about confusing. I now had to tell people who had known me for years only as Heather to ask for D. And then later after the first Heather left I had to explain to my clients, who now knew my real name was Heather, why I went by D here, but no where else. I guess it didn't help that two of my good friends (Jodi and Tallia) were hired at the salon and would call me by my actual name. As soon as I stopped working at the salon I went back to being Heather full time.
ReplyDeleteI think this is your best post yet. Very personal and insightful.Thank you for sharing.
Like. :)
And no, I am not a robot. Stupic computers. I'm WAY too creative and have way too few thoughts of world domination to be a robot thank you very much (if you don't know what I'm ranting about, try posting a comment).
DeleteIt does the same thing to me sometimes, only sometimes, when I post a link to Facebook. Random right? Oh google... talk about world domination, but that is a topic for another more informed day.