Saturday, March 3, 2012

Catching up

I have been so behind on the videoslately that I haven't been posting to tell you all what is going on. I am working on getting some new videos edited but they are taking a while. We went to a couple of different parades for Fasching the first week, and I recorded the parades in their entirety. So I had, combined, over 2 hours of film to cut and edit and reduce to a manageable and watchable amount. I have one just about finished and the other is on its way. Then I have another video to put together about the Saarland Historical Museum and the Saarbruücken Schloss. So stay tuned so to speak. :)

Life has settled down to normalcy for the most part. I usually wake up first, well besides Ben who is at work super early, and do some reading and get ready for the day.  By that time Chris is usually up. We eat breakfast, do last nights dishes, and then Iris is awake. We spend the day reading or running errands, or just hanging out, surfing the internet and the like. School will start next Friday on the 9th, and so life goes on as normal.

Chris and I took our Einstufungstest on Thursday. It was a placement exam for Studienkolleg. We will find out how well we did on Thursday the 8th. The test was fairly easy so I am not too worried about where I am going to be placed. Before the test I was afraid it was going to be really hard and they were going to tell me I didn't know anything. I was able to understand pretty much everything however so I might end up taking "real" classes at the university in a month. Otherwise I would just stay in the intensive language classes.

Yesterday, Iris Chris and I went to play tennis at a nearby indoor court. We played on carpet! It was really weird at first but I think we were able to play at our usual skill level. And then we went to Globus again, but I didn't bring my camera to get better shots of the escalators and rotating door. I should be better about carrying my camera around all the time.

I think that gets you all caught up for now. Comment and let me know what you want to hear about! :)

Bis Dann

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