Friday, December 2, 2011

A Few Bumps along the road

On Wednesday, the International Learning Office held orientation for study abroad. I was able to talk to a few other students who are also studying abroad in the Spring. I already knew a few of the students who are going, and it was great to see them as well. Orientation was interesting. I already knew a lot of the information presented, but there were a few other things that I hadn't thought about.  One of the papers we were given had a list of things we should know before we leave. I am sad to say that I didn't know a lot of them. For example, I can't sing the Germany national anthem. I am familiar with the music, but I couldn't sing it. I have no idea how to calculate the exchange rate in my head, but I do know how to do it on a calculator. There were many others that I wont go into them here.  Another thing that I hadn't thought about was how many shoes I am going to take. I thought, well I will just take them all, but then maybe I shouldn't I am starting to think that packing is going to be a whole lot harder than I thought at first. Not exactly looking forward to that part. I am going to have to make some lists. This goes in this bag this in that bag and so on.  But that gets to wait until after I get the rest of my life packed away into boxes and moved to, well who knows where at this point.

Other than those up coming hurdles I still have to figure out how I am going to finish up my school work in the next couple of weeks. I am sure it will all get done eventually, perhaps not at the level of completion that I would like, but it will be done. I am just crossing my fingers that I will pass with decent grades. I am not so sure this year that I will have a very good GPA, not the best for applying for a Fulbright Scholarship, but you know I do what I  can. 

I have been working on getting my very first video up here and on youtube. Check out my channel:  I have a little teaserall finished for you, and unfortunetly I feel like it is actually better than what I have edited of the vlog. I wasn't being very smart the other day and actually deleted some of the fotage that I needed, so I will have to refilm before I finish up the post, but then I will get it up here for you all to see. 

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