I haven't done a lot of filming lately. It isn't that interesting things haven't happened, but more that I haven't had my camera with me, or on at the very least. I have been alone quite a bit packing and cleaning to move apartments; two activities that are not very interesting for you to watch. I have so many things to go through and decide what I want to keep, what is worth storing, and what should be trashed or just given away. Then I have to go through the keep pile and ask myself what will be going with me, and what I will be leaving behind.
All of these decisions certainly haven't been helping my emotions. Not that I am extremely emotionally attached to my things. Although I am attached to some degree, otherwise I wouldn't have the things I do, but it has been extremely draining just going through it all. Somethings I look around my room and fear I am a hoarder in the making, which scares the tar out of me. I want to just throw it all out sometimes and just start from scratch. In the end however, I know that would be even more taxing.
Speaking of being scared, I had a bit of a melt down on Sunday. I am not super scared about going, but mostly it I will be able to maintain the life-style I so enjoy here. I want to integrate the German way of life into my own life, but I do live a little differently. I am or really more was that I wouldn't be able to live the same way I do here in some instances. For example, I go to church every Sunday, and it is really important to me, that I go every week. Now, I have been able to calm down I am not as frightened anymore. I know that if it is important to me to go, I will really be able to go. So anyways...
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